Cinephiles accreditation- English version

The Cannes Film Festival allows dedicated film buffs (members of a cinema or an active film buff association), film students and school groups (high school students in the cinema section), subject to availability, to participate in the Cannes Film Festival,  thanks to “Cinephile” accreditations.

This year, 3,000 accreditations will be offered to moviegoers.


If you are a member of a CinéClub, film association, the accreditation request must be made collectively. The association must first contact Cannes Cinema in order to obtain a determined number of accreditations. It is the association which will make the request for its members.

The “Cinéphile” accreditation allows free access to screenings organized by Cannes Cinéma as part of the Cannes Cinéphiles operation (in the following locations : La Licorne theater, Studio 13 cinema, Raimu cinema and Alexandre III theater) as well as  cinema screenings at the Palais des Festivals, the Croisette theater and the Miramar space under certain conditions. 
These accreditations give the possibility of walking within the Palais des Festivals but not into the film market or  in other professional spaces, reserved only to professionals.

IMPORTANT: as you know, the Cannes Film Festival is an international event that many spectators want to participate in. Selection have therefore been organised by the Cannes Festival. “Cinephiles” accreditations are distributed to people who can prove their attendance at the cinema all year round.

Visit the online accreditations portal ( in February, where you can submit your film festival accreditation request, download the requested supporting documents and follow the progress of the processing of your file.

Accreditation requests are subject to the exclusive payment of an environmental contribution of €20 excluding tax (€24 including tax), set up by the Cannes Film Festival as part of its environmental policy. The tax-free amounts collected through this contribution will be entirely donated to carbon offset programs.

Accreditations are not owed to anyone. The Cannes Film Festival and Cannes Cinema are free to accredit or not a person according to the supporting documents provided.

No files sent by email or post will be taken into account, requests are only made on the Cannes Festival website. Files will be selected from the end of the accreditation request period.

Please note, Cannes Cinéphiles accreditations are reserved for adults (excluding school groups).


People who have obtained “Cinephile” accreditation for the 2025 edition of the Cannes Film Festival will be able to collect the badge at the ferry terminal (accreditation service), on the Pantiero on Sunday May 11, 2025 from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and from Wednesday May 14, 2025 from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. for the all duration of the event.

WHICH DOCUMENTS TO PROVIDE, depending on your case : 

>>> You are a CINEMA STUDENT : you must be over 18 years old and provide the following documents :

– A cover letter.
– A photocopy of your identity document, both sides.
– A Photocopy of the school certificate or certificate from the establishment for the current year, clearly indicating your courses or option(s) in cinema.
– A compliant and recent identity photo – portrait format (frontal and without accessories, artifices or animals).

>>> You are a CINEMA SUBSCRIBER : You must be over 18 years old and provide the following documents:

– A cover letter.
– A photocopy of your identity document, both sides.
– A photocopy of recent proof (dated January or February of the current year) of a monthly nominative subscription such as Pathé, Mk2, UGC, etc. The contract must have been subscribed for more than a year) OR a photocopy of a cinema subscription card, issued by the cinema and accompanied by an official statement of the use of the card, showing the number of screenings from February to February.
– A compliant and recent identity photo – portrait format (frontal and without accessories, artifices or animals).

 >>> You are a CINEMA ASSOCIATION MEMBER : Your association have to contact us and will be in charge of your accredition in a collective request
(see below )

>>> You are a SCHOOL GROUP made up of high school students specializing in cinema, you must proceed in the following way:

Students must be over 16 years old on the date of the festival.

Step 1 >> The main teacher must contact Cannes Cinéma ( in order to validate their quota of participants.

Step 2 >> The main teacher must go to the festival website and generate a request to open access according to the quota obtained from Cannes Cinéma and then fill up the forms for each student and provide the following supporting documents:

– A collective cover letter, presenting the educational project around this school trip.
– A photocopy of an identity document, both sides (passport, ID card)
– A compliant and recent identity photo (portrait format, full face and without accessories, artifices or animals).
– A photocopy of the current school certificate for the current year of all participants (possibility of a common certificate with the list of all students, stamped and signed by the director of the school).
– For the accompanying teacher : photocopy of professional card or up-to-date teaching certificate for the current year. 

>>> You are an ASSOCIATION OF MOVIE FILMS, you must proceed in the following manner:

Step 1 >> The main member of the association must contact Cannes Cinéma ( in order to validate the quota of participants. You will need to send a presentation of the association and its associative project as well as the number of cinema screenings offered during the year. You will also need to send the number of people you wish to accredit (once the quantity has been granted, it cannot be increased). We trust you to choose active members of your association.

Step 2 >> The main member of the association must then go to the festival site and generate a group request to open access according to the quota obtained from Cannes Cinéma and then complete the forms for each participant and provide the following supporting documents :

– A photocopy of an identity document, both sides. (passport or ID card)
– A compliant and recent identity photo (portrait format, full face and without accessories, artifices or animals).
– A photocopy of proof of personal subscription valid for the current year